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Sharon's Work Experience:  30 Years in Federal Employee, 18 Years in Project Management Leadership, 10 Years as a Business Owner, 10 Years as a Motivational Speaker, and Year as an Author!  

Enjoy Our 2021 Leading Within Promo Video (Click Here)

Background on how Sharon got started:  Ten (10) years ago (2008), Sharon Parker came to New Orleans and met a close friend named, Barbara S. Talley.  Never in a thousand years did Sharon expect to follow in the entrepreneurial/motivational speaker's footsteps.

Faith would have it that Sharon would return back to New Orleans  2018 to developer the great news to Federal employees all over the Country that she did it, found her entrepreneurial passion.  Yes, on August 16, 2018, Sharon  launched her new workshop "Leading Within Through Project Management" #LWTPM.

After 18 years of applying Project Management, knowledge, skills, technique, and processes not only to her career but in her personal life as well the "Leading Within Through PM, LLC" is born.  Sharon contributes eighteen (18) years of Project Management training inspiring her to lead within.  

It only took four (4) decades for Sharon to discover her true passion.  She had only one obstacle to cross, she had to overcome, which was speaking in front of a large crowd.  Thanks to Barbara S. Talley who sponsored Sharon as a member of  the Capital Speaking Club in Bethesda, Maryland, Sharon overcame her fear of speaking and knock the ball out of the park in New Orleans.  Sharon has been a member of Capital Speaking Club for over  (5) years.

 Don't forget Sharon is an Introvert to think to the Myer's Briggs Assessment, she now knows her preferred communication style and the style of Extrovert. 

Sharon wanted to inspire and motivate the next level of leading within entrepreneurial,  especially women, to overcome their leadership fears and jump those hurtles to work into their true leadership style...more will be shared in your today:  click here


Welcome to the Leading Within Movement Site!

Sharon Parker is known as a Leading Within Strategist.  In addition to this title, she is many things to many people, a  legacy seeker, a passionate and purposed teacher, and a  heart-led fact seeker.
But really ... she is just a woman on a mission to capture the stories of notable individuals who are heroes here in America and abroad —the celebrated and unsung—Sharon aim to share these individuals with the world, 365 days a year.

When Sharon, passionately know as Sharon Lee left her hometown of Calvert County, Maryland , as a young woman to chase her dreams, Sharon had no idea where that road would lead.  She never imagined that the journey would take her to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a Federal Public Servant for 30 years, which birthed her passion to serve her community, and to the President for Remembering Our Ancestors Synergistic Association, (ROASA), Inc., Chapter President for Maryland’s American Mothers, Inc., Chapter President for the Robert C. Weaver Chapter at HUD, former Commissioner for the Maryland Commission on African-American  History and Culture (MCAAHC), where she served from 2012-2015. Ultimately, Sharon would find herself in an intimate circle of other Afrocentric minds, seeking opportunities to support the entrepreneurial ventures of friends and the community at large.  Sharon has been blessed to serve as a volunteer for the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

She came … for comradery —instead she discovered her destiny.  That night, a spark of inspiration led to the creation of Remembering Our Ancestors Synergistic Association (ROASA), Inc., which was Sharon's first major project. and the rest, shall we say, is history.